Friday, June 27, 2008

Why Mr. Jones say it isn't so...

So if you have been to the mall you know to drive around it with no problems right? well yesterday Kommandant and i went to the mall to deliver a magazine to MR W. Well when we got there we took the Cole Entrance and you know that there isn't a stop sign and all the traffic has to stop for the in coming people well the person in front of me stopped where the three spots connect. it made me kind of angry because there wasn't anyone coming and there wasn't really any reason for the person to just stop like that.
Yesterday after Kommandant got off work we went out to eat. we went to the Mongolian banquet and as we are driving in i make the comment that Hey look the police officer like Mongolian Banquet. We walk into the restaurant and there is standing MR. S. I stop in my tracks with the deer in the headlights look. He smiles at us and the first thing out of my mouth wasn't Hello it was I didn't do it. he laughed about that. We wondered and got food. and he came up to talk to us and i did the if i stand still i wounder if he could see me.
Yesterday i fell asleep on a friends couch. and i really did nothing last night, We are suppose to go see Wall-e but Kommandant wanted to game and i let him and he said that we would when he got done. we got home at 0140 and missed wall-e. Oh well.

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