Tuesday, July 1, 2008

july 01

Yesterday Kommandant and i looked at a house. we called the guy for a private showing of the house and i gotta say i liked the house. So we went to talk to My parents neighbor and asked her about all these things that we needed and to see if we qualify or something along though lines. She was trying to convene us that we didn't want that house we wanted something else. I looked at Kommandant and i said "i want that house if we can get it."
The neighbor asked if we were going to have a roommate. i looked at Kommandant and i shrugged. We tried the idea of one of my friends as a roommate and we all know how that turned out. so maybe we could get one of Kommandant's friends to be one. As long as they don't bug me and they don't ask that i spend time hanging out after i get off work. i need time to unwind and i don't want to have to hang out with someone that i live with for the first 10 minutes that i get off of work.
This next Sunday is our year Anniversary we are celebrating it today after work and the meaning with the loan agent. We are going out to a dinner and a movie. The mother-in-law paid for it all. which is really freeking cool.
Wenesday is the day that the parental-unit leave and we get to watch the house and the kitties.

1 comment:

GrillTech said...

Hey.. you've been tagged with a meme..