Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Hey all

today we had the "talk" with the roommate. Gosh i didn't want to be there. Kommandant talked to her and told her that she needed to be thinking that she needs to get another place. Why you ask Well she has No Rent move coming in. She does use her food stamps for the house but that's not enough If we come up short for rent then what? we can't use her food stamps to help pay rent. so We think that she needs to go. Her "father of the kids" had has some issues with money so he can't pay the way for her this month. He calms that he will pay on the 8Th of this next month and then the first on the next month. yeah that's going to be 500 to 600 for how much she owes us.
The house thing Yeah that's going to be put on hold. for at least 7 to 8 months. that really doesn't make me happy but i guess that i just have to wait for another house that i really really want. And maybe we can actually pay all the bills that they throw at us.
So we got a new bed, we put the old one mattress on the bottom and then the new one on the top. It's mush, I don't think i like it. I want to put the old one on the top but Kommandant doesn't want to he says he likes it. maybe we will put a board under the bed to make it firmer. When i sit on it i sink.
Who the Hell is ZomieLad. It's starting to bug me. It's kind of like having a stalker. you never know when he is around and he knows everything about you just because you have a blog. *Crap*
So this week i get to go to work at 6 because that's when everyone is showing up in this new area. I don't think that i can get use to it.
So right now The roommate and i are watching Law and Order SVU in kommandant and i's room.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You will never know the identity of ZombieLad for I'm the Ninja Zombie in the background. I'm at the store at least once a week and many times more. You have talked to me personally and I talk with Kommandant all the time. Hmmm maybe he knows who I am.