Saturday, August 16, 2008

Me + Books = happyness

So the other day i picked up a book and started to read it. At first like the first chapter i wasn't getting that hooked but then as i got farther into the book i couldn't put it down, Even at work. I read the book in 3 days, and then i decided that i wanted to get the second one so i could read the books in order. Yeah that wasn't going to happen no matter how hard i tried to get the second book. Knittech and i went to the Paper book store and looked to see if they had the book and Nope they had the 5 to 6 book in the series. So i got thoughs and i went back to the bookstore that is right next to the game shop and i order the book in.
Oh Knittech and i Joined a Gym the other day, And this morning Knittech and i went swimming in the pool. 10 laps of going back and forth. i think i did the first 3 laps swimming and then a couple walking back and forth and then i did that last 2 swimming. then we got into the hottube, to do a warm down. then we left. Tomorrow we are going to be going to do it again but we aren't doing 10 laps this time we are going to do a little less until we get use to it then we will be building up from there.
Today i sent pretty much the hole day Hanging out with Knittech and Grilltech. but i had to go get Kommandant some food before he was going to kill something. and then i got over to Knittech and Grilltech's house and then Kommandant went to gaming and i stayed here. I called Kommandant and told him that he should come pick me up when he got done gaming so that i could go home with him.
Well i don't think there is anything else that's happened in the last couple of days.

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