Friday, May 8, 2009


I'm still here, I've just been busy and i haven't really sent that much time at home and i spend only a couple of minutes on the computer before i go to bed, then get up eat something and then go back to bed.
I think Kommandant doesn't like it when i get home and i need the light so i can see my way to my side of the bed so i can get into it and then need to get up because I'm Hungry and i need to get up again. but when i ask him about it in the morning he says he doesn't remember me getting up or doing anything.
So for Mother's day i wanted to get Knittech a

and i thought 'Hey that would be a Kick butt idea and it's so original and Knittech would never see something like this coming.'
But No Grilltech had to burst my bubble of Creativeness by saying, (we are talking about Knittech and my Mother's day idea) "she is on a diet and she is trying to loose weight. I don't think that's a good idea."
So last night i didn't have a good night because both Kommandant and Grilltech were Crabby at me.
I get home and i just as a simple Question and i get Crabbiness directed at me. that doesn't seem far. but whatever.
I asked Knittech if she would be Offended if i got the edible arrangement and she said she wouldn't mind it.
July Kommandant and i are going to Oregon for a Family reunion, i said i wanted to go to Seattle, but Kommandant doesn't want to take a week off of work and go, but he is going to be taking off 2 days for the reunion.
I still have my wedding ring, I haven't broke it yet. so Yaye go me!
The puppies are getting HUGE! and vocal

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