Thursday, November 27, 2008

Thanksgiving day re-cap

the day started out about 0930 Kommandant and i stayed in bed and watched Yummy yummy hot guys for about an hour. then we loaded up the car and moved stuff over to the house and then we went and loaded more and then we went to the store and got stuff for thanksgiving dinner and then we went to unload the car and then we got the truck and did a big load of stuff and then we called it a day so far. I'm thinking that we need to do another big load and then we can call it a day.
the dinner was YUMMY and I'm way full. I had 1 plate full. so i didn't really eat way to much. and we had coconut cream pie after dinner.

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

i got nothing

So today i got up 7 this morning after i didn't get that much sleep last night. I just couldn't sleep well. I had to get Knittech at work today. She bought me coffee.. Mmmmm. it was yummie.
I spent most of the day watching yummy yummie hot guys. I enjoyed my day so far.
Kommandant and i moved some boxes over to our "new" house. (my old room from my parents house)

Here is an artist that i found by mistake: (I love her hair in it)

Friday, November 21, 2008

not it

Today is just an argggg... day for me. I don't want to do anything and my knee is doing the "hey how's it going? I think i'm just going to aggravate you all day" Last night Kommandant and i hung out at the 7/11 up the street from our crappy house, and we found out that i think all of the 7/11's are going to be turned into Jacksons. which then we would just have to stop going there because i don't really like jacksons.
Kommandant is playing a game that "it's not a game that i really like" and yet he hasn't got rid of it just yet so i think that we are going to have a bunch of little mini's running around the house.
the laptop keeps trying to make me go deaf. the sound system on it has a touch senitive control on it and if anything gets on it, it will turn it all the way up. So if i'm listening to music i have to turn my settings on the player all the way down so i don't have to go deaf.
Last night Kommandant and i went over to Mr.T's house and checked out were we are going to be living. And all i have to say is OMFG. the room that he is giving us to rent from him is HUGE. And the room that he is getting the even bigger. (which we pretty much hung out there for a while and just talked about movies and whatnot.)

Thursday, November 20, 2008

my oh my

So yesterday on the new it said that the unemployment rates were high and that all the unemployed people should go get a job. Well as you all pretty much know I've been looking forward at an Ada county job. Well i got an email from them that pretty much said:
Thank you for applying for a clerk job, but we are sorry to inform you that we found someone else that has more experience for this job and is much older so we didn't choose you for the job, because we suck.
That's what i got from the email that the send to me. I'm not happy about it. I think that yes there is way too many people unemployed and we all need to find a job. but it's hard because there aren't enough jobs out there for all of us. there are less jobs then unemployed. Oh i know what i could do i could just flip burgers and ask "would you like a drink and or fries with that?" for the rest of my life because that's pretty much all that there is out there for jobs.
on a side note i thought that this picture was cute and i had to share it:

Sunday, November 16, 2008

i win

Name That Movie Villain

only because i had help from Kommandant :)

Monday, November 10, 2008

how 80's are you??

Ultimate '80's Rock quiz
Your Result: YOU ROCK!!

you definately know your '80's rock!
Eddie Van Halen would be proud. Go out, buy your first real six-string and play it 'till your fingers bleed. if that's not your thing then go put on a good rock tune and play air guitar until someone makes fun of you, at that point tell them to go screw themselves and get ready for the guitar solo!!!

Ultimate '80's Rock quiz
Quiz Created on GoToQuiz

Saturday, November 8, 2008


What type of person do you attract?
Your Result: You attract geeks!

Your stunning intellect and love of sci-fi and video games allures the geeks like nothing else. Maybe it is the sparkle in your eye that makes them want to text you, who knows. Geeks make good partners, but tend to be arguementative. If you are a TRUE geek magnet, you will know if that was spelled correctly, and actually care. If it is a bad-boy/bad-girl you are seeking, you are barking up the wrong tree, unless they are just 'bad' behind a PS2 console.

You attract unstable people!
You attract Yuppies!
You attract artsy people!
You attract rednecks!
You attract models!
What type of person do you attract?
Quiz Created on GoToQuiz

Friday, November 7, 2008

but i don't want the chocolate cake yet...

Last night we went and got the new guinea pigs. It was interesting because we got the tour of the SIL's house. it was a new big house and they were like "oh it's nothing really" a 3 bedroom 2 bath, with like 3 walk in closets, it made me jealous. oh well but it was really nice. We found out that one of the kid's dad's went to jail on Tuesday because he robed a bank. I laugh at it because now my life is complete. I now know a bank robber.
the guinea pigs are really cute. Kommandant and i are suppose to give them to W&J but kommandant gets attached to things easy and now he is seriously thinking about keeping them all. (*note- i want to give W&J 2 because i've already talked them into 2 of them. plus Kommandant said that we couldn't have my puppie when it comes if we have all these animals.)
The guinea pigs are a brown color and they have long hair, it's so cute. it's the mama and her 2 babies, they are all girls. the mama has a white patch on her head (that pretty much the only way to tell them apart.) i can't tell the 2 babies apart. it kind of gets confusing at our house. our 2 babies aren't sure about them yet. We put them out to play together but i'm not sure that they know what's going on just yet. i mean they both groups have their own cages but they just don't know if they are staying together. I'm pretty sure they well find out while we are gone or something.
Daizy doesn't like it at all. She wants to be the only pet in the house and she would be happy if they all went away and i went with them beacause she loves Kommandant. but daizy does like the apples we give out. she stole an apply piece and tried to eat it all before Kommandant got it away from her. He did give some of the apple to her so she wouldn't attack the babies.
Yesterday i was on youtube watching music videos because i was bored and i wanted to be entertained for a minute and i found this really cool band and a video well the song that i really liked.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

wanna hear something good?

So today Knittech and Grilltech and i all went to the gym and did our little workouts. When we got done we all went into the little weigh/ paper work area and did the paper work so that we could get credit for our work out. Grilltech went to weigh himself and i thought that i would too. I thought that i would just be the same weight and be happy for maintaining. Guess what I lost 4 pounds. I'm so happy about that. I've lost about 12 3/4 pounds since we started coming to the gym. That's all the good news i have for now...

I wanna be an astronaut when i grow up...

You Should Be a Social Worker

You are deeply caring and empathetic.

You are able to take on other people's problems as if they were your own.

Sensitive and intuitive, you understand human emotions well.

Helping others gives you the most joy in life. You feel like it's your purpose in life.

You do best when you:

- Have a lot of responsibility

- Greatly impact someone's life with your work

You would also be a good philanthropist or stay at home parent.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Things that make you go what the....

I was "playing" on the internet and i saw this and i just had to share this with everyone.

Saturday, November 1, 2008


You are The Magician

Skill, wisdom, adaptation. Craft, cunning, depending on dignity.

Eleoquent and charismatic both verbally and in writing,
you are clever, witty, inventive and persuasive.

The Magician is the male power of creation, creation by willpower and desire. In that ancient sense, it is the ability to make things so just by speaking them aloud. Reflecting this is the fact that the Magician is represented by Mercury. He represents the gift of tongues, a smooth talker, a salesman. Also clever with the slight of hand and a medicine man - either a real doctor or someone trying to sell you snake oil.

What Tarot Card are You?
Take the Test to Find Out.