Thursday, November 20, 2008

my oh my

So yesterday on the new it said that the unemployment rates were high and that all the unemployed people should go get a job. Well as you all pretty much know I've been looking forward at an Ada county job. Well i got an email from them that pretty much said:
Thank you for applying for a clerk job, but we are sorry to inform you that we found someone else that has more experience for this job and is much older so we didn't choose you for the job, because we suck.
That's what i got from the email that the send to me. I'm not happy about it. I think that yes there is way too many people unemployed and we all need to find a job. but it's hard because there aren't enough jobs out there for all of us. there are less jobs then unemployed. Oh i know what i could do i could just flip burgers and ask "would you like a drink and or fries with that?" for the rest of my life because that's pretty much all that there is out there for jobs.
on a side note i thought that this picture was cute and i had to share it:

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