Saturday, August 30, 2008

ummm okay...

So Thursday i got laid off my job that I've had for a year and some change. I took it really well up in till i got to Kommandant and then i started to cry and he didn't get my i was crying. i have also be extremely moody, a little worse then normal. But i think I'm okay now. I get unemployment coming in for 24 weeks or less till i find a job. Thursday night i called the roommate and asked her to come home so WE could talk. What does she do she brings her grandma with her and her grandma talks us into keep her for a while longer.
The kittens keeps being bad and we gave her a week to get rid of it or it's going to the pound. I'm not happy that the mama cat has a litter on the way again. so we need to talk about that also.
Knittech and i went to see the personal trainer and we didn't do much because Knittech wasn't in a state to do anything. I applied to Albertsons last night and i plan on applying other places also.
The books that i am reading are from the Dark-hunter series by Sherrilyn Kenyon.
Well there isn't anything else that is new.

Monday, August 18, 2008

Go me!

So this morning i really didn't want to get up. I just kept hitting the snooze button. i got to work with 2 minutes to spare. this week i am working in a really cool place, which is really good because last week i was working in the hot place and i was misable.
Today after i got off work i decided after i thought that i was just going to go home. but i took myself to the gym, and i swam for 5 laps. yaye me.
Tomorrow Knittech and i are going to go swim the 10 laps and then go home.
I just finished my book so now i'm going to be waiting for my other book to come into the book store.
Well i don't have anything else to report.

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Me + Books = happyness

So the other day i picked up a book and started to read it. At first like the first chapter i wasn't getting that hooked but then as i got farther into the book i couldn't put it down, Even at work. I read the book in 3 days, and then i decided that i wanted to get the second one so i could read the books in order. Yeah that wasn't going to happen no matter how hard i tried to get the second book. Knittech and i went to the Paper book store and looked to see if they had the book and Nope they had the 5 to 6 book in the series. So i got thoughs and i went back to the bookstore that is right next to the game shop and i order the book in.
Oh Knittech and i Joined a Gym the other day, And this morning Knittech and i went swimming in the pool. 10 laps of going back and forth. i think i did the first 3 laps swimming and then a couple walking back and forth and then i did that last 2 swimming. then we got into the hottube, to do a warm down. then we left. Tomorrow we are going to be going to do it again but we aren't doing 10 laps this time we are going to do a little less until we get use to it then we will be building up from there.
Today i sent pretty much the hole day Hanging out with Knittech and Grilltech. but i had to go get Kommandant some food before he was going to kill something. and then i got over to Knittech and Grilltech's house and then Kommandant went to gaming and i stayed here. I called Kommandant and told him that he should come pick me up when he got done gaming so that i could go home with him.
Well i don't think there is anything else that's happened in the last couple of days.

Saturday, August 9, 2008

Because I'm a Lemming....

So it's been a week or so since i posted last just because this last weekend i went to a family get together. it was really fun i really do like Kommandant's family. Then on Monday Kommandant and i went to go see his mom and sister before she left town. we went swimming in their hotel. The odd thing is that The Holiday End does Salt water and not the Colouring. then i just haven't been in the mood to blog at all.
So yesterday i was at the game shop and i decided that i wanted to get a haircut. I didn't know what style i wanted so i was looking online and i decided i wanted to get an Aline haircut. So Kommandant and i went around town pretty much to find a shop that was open after 6 but i was looking like i might have to do it the next day. but i was so glad that the hair place in walmart was open. yaye. Okay if my phone would of sent the pictures to my email i would have pictures. but i do have a picture of what an Aline haircut is:

but it doesn't look that good on me. but i like it, my hair is still long enough for me to put into a ponytail.